I knew it. When I was at the store the other day, I said to myself that I'd get flour when I make my "real " grocery trip... certainly not now. I was only picking up a few things. So finally I got around to making my next loaf, and sure enough, I only had just over a cup of flour. So much for efficiency. My internal dialog of justifications is such a pain in the butt sometimes. As Oliver Hardy would say to Stan Laurel, "Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into." I need bread. I'm tired of eating potatoes and rice for my starch component. I can't make a ham sandwich on crackers or potato slabs (I mean, I could). I have been experimenting with my bread recipe, tweaking it for lean times such as these. Do I really need 4 cups of flour? Can I make up for a reduction in diastatic power with something else or get by without it? Well, I had gotten some mixed sorghum-rice-millet flour a while back to cut into my...
My 'fooding' blog! I love to cook and prepare good meals -- some plain, some with a little bit more moving parts, but always inventive and creative. Many of my preparations are thrift-conscious and using what's on hand right now, like what's in the fridge and the cabinets, and sometimes what's growing right outside my door.