Part I. Living in the Midsouth, I've seen a billboard ad of a local lawn care company featuring a scowling, stern-looking man holding a clump of dead weeds, with the tagline, "Lemme kill your weeds!" Each year, home and business owners spend significant time and money battling weeds and undesirable vegetation in their lawns. I've read articles discussing how growing an ideal, beautiful, 'monoculture' green lawn impacts the surrounding environment for the amounts of herbicide, fertilizer, elimination of diverse cultivation, reduction in food for bees, etc. If I may... let me EAT your weeds! Yes, I'm serious. Well, I'll eat what's on my lawn. I don't use any chemical herbicides or fertilizers, nor have I done so for a number of years. As a Boy Scout, I had read further into the scout manual, and having been interested in "survival" type books, I have known about the edibility of certain plants that we would ordinarily overlook a...
My 'fooding' blog! I love to cook and prepare good meals -- some plain, some with a little bit more moving parts, but always inventive and creative. Many of my preparations are thrift-conscious and using what's on hand right now, like what's in the fridge and the cabinets, and sometimes what's growing right outside my door.